Spet sem se malo igrala s stencil šablonami. Tokrat je bil na vrsti videz lesa, ki sem ga omehčala s čipko in z doma narejenimi rožicami.
Modra barva je v resnici bolj živahna - turkizna, a ker me je prehitela tema, saj je zunaj preveč lepo vreme, da bi tičala v hiši, sem žal fotografirala pri luči in barve niso prave. Če bom imela jutri kaj odvečnega časa, morda fotografiram še enkrat in popravim krivico, ki jo s fotografijo delam voščilnici.

CRAFT-alnica - skica
Najlepši par - galerija meseca septembra
The ribbon girl - september card challenge
Creatalicious - ag
Crafting by designs - ag
Noor design - flowers and lace
My crafting stories - ag
Creative Fingers - ag
A gem of a challenge - ribbon, lace or twine
The corrosive - ag
Cuttlebug mania - ag with dies (flowers - sizzix die, sentiment - najlepši par)
Just keep on creating - ag
DL.ART - handmade flower
HLS - ag with dies
Brown sugar - ag
FFC - 321 challenge (3 colours. 2 flowers and 1 technique)
Pixie's Snippets Playground - week 246
STAMPlorations - never ending anything goes
Cupcake inspirations - #375
The ribbon girl - september card challenge
Creatalicious - ag
Crafting by designs - ag
Noor design - flowers and lace
My crafting stories - ag
Creative Fingers - ag
A gem of a challenge - ribbon, lace or twine
The corrosive - ag
Cuttlebug mania - ag with dies (flowers - sizzix die, sentiment - najlepši par)
Just keep on creating - ag
DL.ART - handmade flower
HLS - ag with dies
Brown sugar - ag
FFC - 321 challenge (3 colours. 2 flowers and 1 technique)
Pixie's Snippets Playground - week 246
STAMPlorations - never ending anything goes
Cupcake inspirations - #375
Blue and brown is a lovely colour combo Valerija and your pretty card is a great take on the sketch.
OdgovoriIzbrišiB x
nice combination from the blue and the wood-brown. You've made lovely flowers!
Še ena lepotička po dani skici ti je uspela.
OdgovoriIzbrišiA beautiful card Valerija, such a lovely colour combination.
o, si se tole dobro spomnila, krasna kombinacija!
OdgovoriIzbrišiBeautiful card Valerjia, I like the design and the colours
OdgovoriIzbrišiKevin xx
Krasna je! Rožice so super.
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala, da ustvarjaš z nami v CRAFT-alnici. Srečno!
Čipke in les na voščilnici sta zanimiva kombinacija. Tudi barvna izbira mi je blizu. Zelo lepa voščilnica.
OdgovoriIzbrišiLepo si se poigrala s čipko in lesom.
OdgovoriIzbrišiOh this is a beauty Valerija. I love the wood background. Barbxx
OdgovoriIzbrišiHi there, beautiful colours and design, love the colours combination, Kate x
OdgovoriIzbrišiOdlično si skombinirala imitacijo lesa in čipko, res zanimiva kombinacija in tudi tukaj si lepo ujela izhodiščno skico, hvala, ker ustvarjaš z nami v CRAFT-alnici, LP:)
OdgovoriIzbrišiFabulous card, I love your flowers!
OdgovoriIzbrišiJanice x
Kako lepo Valerija :-) Les - narava, čipka in rožice - delo človeških rok.... In barve- toplo in hladno... Te čisto razumem,vem, kako nam velikokrat ponagaja svetloba; dan, ki se med ustvarjanjem prevesi v noč... Pomembno je, da je voščilnica narejena tako, da je povšeči tebi, ustvarjalki, kajne?
OdgovoriIzbrišiVečerni pozdravček, Majda
Very pretty! I like the gorgeous lace!
OdgovoriIzbrišiLove the combination of the wood grain texture with the delicate lace, as well as the brown-blue color scheme. So pretty together. Also you are rocking this wonderful design layout. It looks different with each card you've done, yet still so graceful with the swirls. TFS
OdgovoriIzbrišiSuch a lovely card I love the woodgrain background which looks great with the blue embellishments.Thanks so much for sharing your creation at
OdgovoriIzbrišiAnything goes September link-up, Just keep on creating
Susan xx
Krasno voščilnico si naredila in lepo te je navdihnila naša skica :-)) Rožice so čudovite.
OdgovoriIzbrišiVesela sem, ker ustvarjaš z nami v izzivu CRAFT-alnice … Srečno!
A gorgeous card, love the big blue flowers!!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiHugs, Marleen
Valerija, kako zelo lepo si uporabila skico! Krasno voščilnico si naredila.
OdgovoriIzbrišiWonderful card Valerija - the brown and blue are such fabulous companions. Love it!
Di xx
Beautiful! I love those gorgeous blue flowers! And the lace gives such a soft touch. Thanks for playing with Jo's Scrap Shack.
OdgovoriIzbrišiZelo lepa voščilnica. Lepo te je navdihnila naša skica.
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala, da si se nam pridružila v Craft-alnici, lp Lili
A fantastic card, I love the lace and the gorgeous flowers too.
OdgovoriIzbrišiSue xx
The woodgrain looks beautiful
Dr Sonia
Hi Valerjia, We are having a Design Team Call at Dream Valley Challenge, would you like to join us. Please let me know, my email is on the side bar on the challenge blog. Marlene
OdgovoriIzbrišiThis is so gorgeous!! I love the woodgrain background and the pretty blue flowers!! It's so beautiful!! Have a great weekend!! Big hugs :)
A Mermaid's Crafts
The blue and brown, the flowers and woodgrain: lovely combinations! Such a pretty card! Thank you for sharing your creativity in the Cupcake Inspirations *Bows* challenge!
This is so pretty! Like the woodgrain against the elegant flowers and ribbon! So glad you were inspired by this week's Bows Challenge at Cupcake Inspirations!
OdgovoriIzbrišiDebbie, DT Sweetie
Very pretty! Thank you so much for joining us this week at Cupcake Inspirations!
OdgovoriIzbrišiGreat reproduction of the sketch and luvin that wood looking paper. Great job! Thanks for joining us at Noor! Design UK "Flowers and Lace" challenge. Hugs!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiBeautiful card. Love the color combo. Thanks for playing with us at HLS!
OdgovoriIzbrišiZelo lepa voščilnica in zanimiva barvna kombinacija. :-)
OdgovoriIzbrišiNice card! Like the colours.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you for joining Cuttlebug Mania this time!
Swissie DT
How pretty with that torn wood paper and the lace! Thanks for playing with us at HLS!
OdgovoriIzbrišiA wonderful card!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you soo much for taking part in our "anything goes with optional anniversary” challenge over at Creatalicious & good luck in the draw.
Hope to see you again in our new challenge as well…
(DT-Coordinator Creatalicious Challenges)
(DT Crafty Friends)
(DT The Sketchy Challenges)
PS: Sorry for the late comment, life had been very busy the past couple of weeks…
Beautiful my friend love the blue flowers with the wood grain backgtound. HAPPY year