sobota, 25. januar 2025

Cvetlični venček

Običajno raje posegam po nežnih barvah, a tokrat sem izbrala barve, ki so se ujemale s samim darilom. Na koncu sem celo presenečena, da tudi močne barve lahko dobro izpadejo, mogoče se je le potrebno navaditi na nekaj drugačnega. 

Ustvarjala sem s proizvodi Wayanay Craft Bird - štampiljka venček potonik in boho okvirji.
Ter s šablonami Najlepšega para - številka in Vse najboljše.

Najlepši par - galerija meseca januarja
Creative inspirations - something old or something new (I used new floral wreath stamp)
We love stmaping - anything but square
Creative Crafting Uncles - Happy Birthday
Word Art - ag
The Crafters Cafe - Birthdays

12 komentarjev:

  1. Beautiful card - love those red flowers and the kraft background.

    Helen x

  2. The Peony Wreath looks beautiful in your chosen colours, many thanks for sharing at Stamping Sensations and We Love Stamping challenges.

    B x

  3. This is so lovley to mark a special occasion. Thanks so much for joining us this time at the Creative Fingers Challenge

  4. Lepo si naredila in verjamem, da se je voščilnica lepo ujemala z darilom.

  5. Včasih kakšna stvar izpade boljše, kot pričakujemo. Tako je tudi s tvojo voščilnico. Lepo si jo naredila in skupaj z darilom je bil sigurno prekrasen komplet.

  6. Beautiful card, very striking in the bold colours, the peony wreath is beautiful. Thank you for joining in at Stamping Sensations.

  7. what a lovely card, I like the red against the kraft card, thanks for sharing at Crafty Catz challenge, Tilly

  8. Beautiful card Valerija, so striking in the colours you've used.
    Liz xx

  9. Pretty 50th birthday card, love the colours you've used. Thanks for joining us at Creative Inspirations Jayne DT

  10. What a nice card. Thank you for joining at stamping sensations.

  11. Really lovely card. Thanks for joining We Love Stamping. Anesha

  12. Very pretty card, and the vibrant colors are lovely. Thanks for playing along at The Beautiful Blossoms Challenge, we look forward to seeing more of your lovely designs soon.
    Donna xx
    The Beautiful Blossoms Challenge
    The Inspiration Station Challenge
    The Paper Funday Challenges
