Prijateljica, vodja otroškega pevskega zborčka v našem kraju, nocoj prireja Mini glasbeni dogodek, na katerem bo nastopil zborček, v katerem pojejo številni otroci iz kraja, pridružili pa se jim bodo tudi nekateri gostje. Gostje bodo v zahvalo prejeli darila, ki bodo opremljena z mojimi tagi... Želja je bila, da naredim tage, ki bodo na nek način povezani z glasbo, ostalo je bilo prepuščeno meni.
Ko sem delala tage, sem že imela v rokah letak-vabilo na glasbeni dogodek (spodaj) in odločila sem se, da na tagih povežem glasbo (note) na ozadju in barve ter jesensko tematiko z letaka...

Na dogodku bo tudi razstava izdelkov izpod spretnih prstov otrok in staršev iz kraja. Seveda bo tam našlo prostor tudi nekaj mojih izdelkov :)
Najlepši par - galerija meseca oktobra (rezalna šablona hvala)
Papercraft business challenge - Tag it! You're it!
Allsorts - ribbons
Papercraft challenge - monochrome
Word Art - ag
Penny's challenge - ag
Die Cut Divas - fall or fall colors
Uniko - ag/autumn
Crafty Calendar - autumn colours/Halloween
Let's Craft and create - colors of fall
Artsy stamper - autumn colors
Ally's Angels - ag
Scrappe lyst - tekst i fokus
Polkadoodles - wk 41
Crafty Catz - ag
Scrap from your heart - autumn colors
Papercraft challenge - monochrome
Word Art - ag
Penny's challenge - ag
Die Cut Divas - fall or fall colors
Uniko - ag/autumn
Crafty Calendar - autumn colours/Halloween
Let's Craft and create - colors of fall
Artsy stamper - autumn colors
Ally's Angels - ag
Scrappe lyst - tekst i fokus
Polkadoodles - wk 41
Crafty Catz - ag
Scrap from your heart - autumn colors
Krasni tagi, obožujem jih, sploh v teh toplih jesenskih barvah. Lepo povezani z vabilom.
These are gorgeous Valerija!
Linda xxx
Lepo si povezala tagce in vabilo. Čestitke za razstavo ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiBeautiful tags, and I love the musical sheet in the background, just perfect for choir members, Kate x
OdgovoriIzbrišiVery pretty!
Čudoviti tagi, bravo za razstavo.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThis is a lovely creation - thank you for joining us at Penny's Paper Crafty and good luck - Michelle x
OdgovoriIzbrišibeautiful tags love the autumnal tones on the musical background, thank you for joining in at the Crafty Calendar Challenge
OdgovoriIzbrišiA beautiful collection of tags Valerija.
OdgovoriIzbrišiSue xx
Beautiful tags and perfect colours. Thanks for sharing with us at CraftyCatz this week.x
OdgovoriIzbrišiOH WOW ... these are fabulous! Thanks so much for playing in our challenge at the Artsystamper Challenge Blog!
DAR’S CRAFTY CREATIONS Please stop by for a visit.
Wonderful tags for your event! Thanks for joining us at Die Cut Divas!
OdgovoriIzbrišiNicely done! Great set of tags ...thanks for joking in with the Challenge at Polkadoodle this week, Nelly dt x
OdgovoriIzbrišiFantastic tags, perfect for your guests and so charming. So glad you joined us at Die Cut Divas at
OdgovoriIzbrišiFabulous tags Valerija, they are perfect.
OdgovoriIzbrišiPauline - Crafting with Cotnob
Just perfect for the event! Thanks so much for entering our first challenge at Artsystamper Digitals.
Beverly Cole, aka Artsystamper
I love these!! The perfect theme for that event, and exquisitely executed. Wow!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks for sharing with us at Penny's, and good luck with your entry! :)
Lemon Biscuit
Čudoviti tagci. Zelo lepo si dizajn povezala z vabilom. :-)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHow gorgeous are your tags! Love the musical background paper and the autumnal colours. Thanks for playing at Uniko, hope to see you join in with future challenges too.
OdgovoriIzbrišiVery pretty tags, I so enjoy seeing them. Thanks for linking up to our October challenge gallery at Die Cut Divas.
OdgovoriIzbrišiWonderful autumn themed tags!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you for participating in our papercraft challenge & we hope you will join us again in the next Papercraft Business Challenge!.
Anna – Design Team member at Papercraft Business
Visit my blog - Crafty Anna Studio. Thank you
Many thanks for joining in with the Polkadoodles Anything Goes Craft Challenge and sharing your beautiful project with us. Lou x
OdgovoriIzbrišifantastic tags..
OdgovoriIzbrišithank you for joining us at Polkadoodles Craft Challenge
DT Corinne
Colors are fantastic, and I love how you gathered all the elements of the event into your tag! Thanks for playing along with Papercraft Business Challenges!
OdgovoriIzbrišiJill – Design Team member at Papercraft Business
Visit my blog - Killeen House Studio
Nice Tags!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks for joining our challenge in Ally's Angels.
Hugs from DT Mariann
The tags will look fab on the event gifts, especially with the musical theme.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks for sharing at Uniko. :)
These are great !! Thank you for participating in our papercraft challenge & we hope you will join us again in the next one.
OdgovoriIzbrišiLesli – Design Team member at Papercraft Business
Join in on the fun with our Papercraft Business Challenges!
Visit my blog - Vintage Scraps Canada.
Such a pretty set of tags. Thank you for playing along with the Uniko challenge xx